The Combination Hypnosis & NLP Training Oyster Bay NY
and Oyster Bay NY Hypnosis & NLP Coaching Certification Classes

Learn Hypnosis near Oyster Bay NY or Study Hypnosis at Home

with our Soon to be Released Video Hypnosis Training Course

Imagine being able to help people make a difference in their lives and experience profound change....

If you have ever considered becoming a hypnotist, you may have asked yourself

As a medical professional, would hypnosis allow me to better serve my patients?

Could hypnosis and NLP coaching help me achieve a truly rewarding career?

I really want to make a difference in people's lives. Could hypnosis and NLP help me do that?


The 220-Hour, Professional Oyster Bay NY Hypnosis & NLP Coaching Certification Seminar

with Eli Bliliuos

I Invite You to Spend 8 Exciting Days with Me in New York to Embark on a Lucrative and Rewarding Career in Hypnosis!

Click Here for a List Seminar Dates, Locations, and Times 


  • Experiencing what it feels like to wake up every day knowing that you have the ability to make a real, positive difference in the lives of your clients
  • Finally having a career that will give personal satisfaction, while making a real difference in the world and in the lives of those around you
  • Achieving financial stability, while helping other overcome fears, stop bad habits, lose weight, and develop a positive, healthy outlook 

These Oyster Bay NY hypnosis and nlp seminars will help you

  • start a new career
  • establish your own private practice
  • expand you knowledge and interest in alternative healing methods
  • achieve personal growth

Oyster Bay NY Medical Professionals who attend our training seminars will receive the skills they need to utilize hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to expand their medical offerings to their patients.

Upon Successful Completion of this Seminar You will Receive Certification by the Prestigious International Alliance of Clinical Hypnotists & Therapists as well as the NYC Hypnosis Center  

The training seminars are offered by the NYC Hypnosis Center and its founder Eli Blilious. He is a Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer, NLP Coach Master Trainer, and Consulting NYC Hypnotist who has been certified by the International Alliance of Certified Hypnotists & Therapists, the National Guild of Hypnotist and the IACT.

You Can Become a Certified Hypnotist and NLP Coach

Our 8-day intensive Oyster Bay NY Hypnosis and NLP Coaching Training seminars give you everything you need to embark on an exciting new career, enhance your current skills, or offer new services to your clientele. After completing 8 days of classroom instruction and 140 hours of independent study, you can become certified as a Hypnotist and NLP Coach. 

Our Oyster Bay NY nlp and hypnosis training seminars are engaging and interesting and filled with hands on practice and personal attention. You will also learn how to set up your own private practice after you are certified! 

Private One-on-One Hypnosis Training is available to Oyster Bay NY students who cannot attend our 8-day intensive seminars.


Establish Your Own Professional Private Practice:

Our Certified Master Hypnosis & NLP Coaching Trainers will teach you how to avoid the most common mistakes Hypnotists make when starting up their own practice. They will teach you how to determine and set the appropriate fee schedule, and how to sell Hypnosis MP3s. You will learn how to successfully market your practice in the most cost efficient and effective manner including how to get referrals from medical professionals, health clubs and clients! 

Once you successfully complete this challenging and intensive training seminar you will receive certification from the Prestigious International Alliance of Certified Hypnotists & Therapists as well as the NYC Hypnosis Center. You will be proud to hang your certifications on the walls of your private practice.

You can become a Certified Hypnotist in NLP Coach and enjoy a lucrative and rewarding career after 8 days with Eli Bliliuos of the NYC Hypnosis Center!


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